Shuttles Thrown:
75 Years of Weaving in the
Guild of Canadian WeaversI have two pieces in the Guild of Canadian Weavers online exhibition, although they didn’t make it in the GCW Bulletin and I’m not sure why! I was sooooo disappointed that it wasn’t included in the Bulletin but it is included in the online exhibition. Check it out at: https://thegcw.ca/exhibition/karenleblanc
Honeybee Folk School
I’ll be teaching a 7-week Intro to Weaving course at the NB College of Craft and Design starting Feb 15. I’m looking forward to meeting my students and having fun teaching them what I love to do! This scarf on the loom is a sample for the class!
My granddaughter is a weaver!
My granddaughter is learning to weave – so exciting! Probably more exciting for me than her, although she enjoyed it… You can learn to weave too! Just contact me… loomin_weaver@yahoo.ca
Atlantic Vernacular Artist Talk
On January 28, 2023 Carlos Morales and I went to Moncton to be part of an artist talk with Gillian Dykeman, Tracy Austin and Gabriel Robichaud. We discussed the exhibition and the significance of Atlantic Canadian culture in their creative practices. The livestream of this event is now on Youtube for your viewing pleasure and below… Thank you to CraftNB for this opportunity! https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FCraftNBmetiersdart%2Fposts%2Fpfbid02kxPUfE6Z61dU745cT2d2Jc7KPjk1EmfrJdyM4aNvtyUjnCJvSbUXskKtr6kxHGWkl&show_text=true&width=500
The Karen Warping Process
I discovered that everyone seems to have a different warping process, so I’m calling mine the “Karen Warping Method!” Why not? I couldn’t put them on my website, but they’re all (8 videos of the entire warping process!) on my YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/@loominationskarenleblanc5750/videos