40 Welcomes WWII RCAF Collage (My mother)Two Little HorsesBoy with Boat (My father in ~ 1930)Jacquard weaving of an image of my father during WWI in RCAF.Marie RCAF1940’s ClotheslineOld House with Red DoorSalmon Fishing on the MiramichiO CanadaGreen Lawn Chair in FogJacquard Cardinal – PaintedJacquard weaving from an image of my parents’ wedding in 1950The Lady of ShalottJacquard weaving from an image of my grandparents’ wedding in 1923Jacquard weaving of a painted tractor – after the woven piece was finished, I painted the tractor red.Escher Trees woven on a Jacquard loom with permission from the Escher Foundation.Jacquard weaving of a painted wagon – after the woven piece was finished, I painted the wagon red.Weathered Boats – Weathered SoulsJacquard weaving of an image I took at Stonehenge and then named it “The Stones”.