
In 2021, I created the “Hang-a-Heart” project after being devastated with the news of so many unmarked graves found on Residential School (RS) sites. This news became the catalyst for me to create little hearts that I gsve away in memory of Indigenous children who did not make it home from a RS and to increase awareness of reconciliation. These hearts hold a lot of symbolism: the running stitch symbolizes children’s steps in the schools and/or running away from schools; the stuffing symbolizes the undernourished, underfed and hungry children. A card was given with each heart describing the symbolism with my contact information for social media. I gave over 200 hearts away, and I found that people were so grateful to have an opportunity to participate and to engage in conversations about the issue. The hearts were given to people to hang in their homes, offices, classrooms or other locations to decompose over time. This will symbolize my belief in “ashes to ashes and dust to dust” when we depart from this life. I was featured on CTV Live at Five and in the Daily Gleaner : video, story + video. Check out the Daily Gleaner article below.